Many dogs are friendly and playful, but not all canine companions behave appropriately around humans. Some become aggressive due to their training or a history of abuse by humans. Others may misinterpret attempts at friendliness as potential warning signs of...
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Animal Bites
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How to minimize dog bite risk as the Chicagoland weather warms
Countless people around the greater Chicago area flock to outdoor spaces as the weather improves. People go to get fresh air, reach their step goals for the day or socialize with others. Occasionally, what should be a relaxing trip to the park could lead to a...
What happens after a dog attacks a human unprovoked?
Dogs are generally friendly and fun animals. Children almost instinctively reach out to dogs as they pass. Many adults will smile when they see a dog approach them on the sidewalk. However, there are others who will recoil in terror from even the smallest or...